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  2. Tree-Gifts Info
  3. Collecting a Tree-Gift

Download a tree certificate

All the trees planted on Tree-Nation have their own certificate that you will be able to access from My Forest.

Make sure you are logged in. Clickhereto access it directly.

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Once there, simplyclick on your treeandscroll downyou'll find the download link to your certificate.

Screenshot 2022-08-18 at 15.43

Once you've clicked on the certificate, you cansave it and print it!

Can I change the language of the tree certificate?

To see the certificate in one specific language, you need to change the language of the website in the footer of the website.

Once you change the language, if you open the certificate again, it will appear in the selected language.

Please note that some content texts may not be translated: the species description and project description.

If you want to download thecertificate of a tree you offered, please refer to this FAQ:How to offer a tree with a paper certificate?