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  2. The projects
  3. Choosing and following your projects

Project and species selection

You don’t have to be a forestry expert to plant trees on Tree-Nation. Every project and every species has been selected for its positive impact across 3 areas: environmental, social, and economic.

world map of Tree-Nation projects

Plant everywhere

We recommend you to plant in various projects using multiple species. This way you can spread your help to many regions. It also helps us ensure every project receives sufficient funding.

Local or tropical?

We usually recommend tropical projects. This is why:Read where are trees most needed

But if you prefer a project closer to where you live (or closer to your clients / employees), that's totally fine.

Check the Key Elements of a project

Go to the项目list and discover our active projects. This is where you can plant now.

(If you want to plant in a project that is not on our active list, let us know. We'll inform you of its availability and conditions).

In the project list you can see some Key Elements like these:

Fauna Conversation Key Element of a project

These key elements will help you find a project that matches your needs. For example: is your objective tooffset CO2or to fight a specific cause likedesertification?

一些关键的elements are of particular interest for companies.For example, your company may require a certified project. It might want to plant a large volume of trees and would therefore require a large-scale project. It might also want to communicate often on its planting efforts, and then check the frequent updates from the field posted by the project holders.

Learn more about each project
By clicking inside a project page you will find an ‘About’tab where you will get a better understanding of the project and its objectives.

Select a species
To select your species inside each project, you will find a ‘Species’section. Click on each species to access its detailed form and learn its benefits and characteristics.
You can also visit ourplant pageand access the species from there.

Video tutorial

HubSpot Video